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Violinist Nadia Wijzenbeek enjoys an rich and diverse career as a soloist, chamber musician and concertmaster. In 2009 Nadia was appointed concertmaster of the Radio Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra in the Netherlands, and four years later became the concertmaster of the Dutch Radio Philharmonic Orchestra.

Nadia forms part of the award winning Lendvai String Trio with whom she performs in major concert halls all over Europe. In 2011 they won the prestigious Kersjes Prize and their CDs ‘Destination Paris’; Beethoven’s complete string trios and the series of all sixteen string trios by Julius Röntgen, have all had rave reviews.

As a member of the Aronowitz Ensemble, Nadia was a BBC New Generation Artist and Borletti-Buitoni Trust Award winner, and recorded extensively for the BBC, Hyperion and Sonimage.

She also finds time to program a popular boutique concert series, Raadhuisconcerten in her hometown of Hilversum in the Netherlands.

Nadia is delighted to play on a beautiful Joseph filius Andeas Guarneri violin kindly loaned to her by an anonymous benefactor.

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